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The GAVeCeLT manual of Picc and Midline (en)

Titolo Professionale - Infermieristica

giugno 2017
ISBN: 9788821447419
Pagine: 240
Rilegatura: Brossura
Formato: 17 x24 cm

Disponibile anche in formato eBook

€ 34,00

Venous access devices are necessary for any patient requiring re- peated blood sampling, parenteral nutrition, chemotherapy, antibiotic therapy or other IV treatments to be delivered in the hospital setting or at home. In the last decade, ultrasound-guided PICCs and Midline catheters – inserted by adequately trained physicians or nurses - have suddenly and widely spread in the field of venous access devices all over the world.

The introduction and diffusion of PICCs in Italy has been historical- ly linked to the GAVeCeLT association (the Italian Group of Long Term Venous Access Devices) and particularly to the authors’ scientific and didactic activity. This volume examines the clinical indications for these devices and illustrates the details of their insertion and management in several clinical settings. Furthermore, all the specifications regard- ing the materials to use and all the aspects related to device removal and replacement, as well as the different strategies for complications prevention, are thoroughly discussed.


Il dr. Pittiruti è considerato uno dei maggiori esperti mondiali nel campo degli accessi venosi. In appendice è presente un ampio riferimento alle linee guida internazionali più recenti e alle tematiche legate agli aspetti amministrativi, organizzativi e logistici dei PICC e dei Midline a livello delle aziende ospedaliere e del SSN.

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