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Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches

Titolo Professionale - Ortopedia

agosto 2014
ISBN: ENG400577064
Pagine: 544
Formato: 222 X 281 mm

Completely revised to feature a new, more modern design, Orthopaedic Surgical Approaches presents all of the latest imaging modalities and techniques used in orthopaedics today. This medical reference book captures the changes in this rapidly evolving field, equipping you with an expert, illustrative guide to the full array of common and contemporary surgical approaches, as well as the relevant regional anatomy. No matter what your level of training, this volume promises to be your go-to manual for acquiring new skills in the OR.


  • Take advantage of the newest techniques and procedures with arthroscopic and minimally invasive approaches incorporated into each body region.
  • Utilize illustrations and information on surgical interventions and radiological landmarks as an introduction to each body region's relevant approaches.
  • Understand the hazards, particularly with regard to avoiding nerve damage, associated with each surgical approach.
  • View the complete contents and video clips online at Expert Consult!

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