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Atlas of Interventional Pain Management

Waldman S.D.

Titolo Professionale - Anestesia - Rianimazione, Anestesia - Terapia Intensiva

novembre 2014
ISBN: ENG400324428
Pagine: 952
Formato: 216 X 276 mm

Bolster your knowledge of minimally invasive techniques and add new procedures to your repertoire with the third edition of the Atlas of Interventional Pain Management. Noted authority Steven D. Waldman, MD, JD provides consistent, concise, and clear advice on the safest, most clinically sound techniques. All chapters—including 20 new ones—feature CPT codes for each procedure, indications, relevant anatomy, technique, side effects and complications, and clinical pearls. The full-color illustrations and procedural videos on DVD ensure that you have the detailed guidance you need to provide your patients with the safest and most effective treatment.


  • Stay current on the latest injection techniques with 19 brand-new chapters including: Brachial Plexus Block - Infraclavicular Approach; Transverse Abdominis Plane Block; Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Block; Lumbar Grey Ramus Communicans Block; Lumbar Grey Ramus Communicans Block - Radiofrequency Lesioning; and more. 
  • Expand the breadth of procedures you perform by focusing on the "how" rather than the "why" of various pain-relieving techniques. 
  • Increase needle-placement precision and find the exact location to deliver the nerve block with significantly expanded fluoroscopy- and ultrasound-guided content. 
  • Visualize proper needle placement with help from an increased number of high-quality photographs. 
  • Understand how techniques are performed by watching procedural videos that cover Cervical Translaminar Epidural Block; Cervical Paravertebral Medical Branch Block; Percutaneous Facet Fusion; Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Block; and more. 
  • View online-only chapters accessible via Expert Consult, as well as additional online-only figures, key terms, and abstract sections. 
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.

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