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Bodybuilding physiology and training

From training volume and intensity to frequency

Titolo Professionale - Medicina

settembre 2023
ISBN: 9781957260389
Pagine: 520
Formato: 17x24 cm

Disponibile anche in formato eBook


This volume clarifies the importance of training techniques and methods for those looking for a notable hypertrophic response within a body recomposition process. Too often, the world of bodybuilding and fitness is the victim of myths or false beliefs; in recent years, in the seductive perspective of proposing fast results with little effort, unfortunately, there has been a real demonization of the volume of training in favor of techniques that require very little.

While it is true that the intensity of training is a fundamental variable and that normally must be inversely proportional to the volume, there is however a meeting point which, in our opinion, in order to optimize the results, should not penalize the volume. This book reports the results of the most accredited research and the best scientific studies carried out on the volume and intensity of training, all enriched by personal experiences and training plans, to understand the fundamental aspects and the great importance that both the volume and intensity of training, and understand how to use them and, above all, how to derive maximum benefits.

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